You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I was getting up on Sunday morning after a long night with Dallin (teething) and Tyler (sick)- I don't think I slept more than a few hours at most. It was a rough one. Anyway, we decided that since Tyler was sick and I got no sleep we would stay home from church. Well, I went to pull Gwendalin's hair back and what do I see? Yes, you guessed it bugs...not just any bugs but lice. Now I grew up on the Navajo Indian Reservation and never had lice at my house. It is like the plague. I know it's common and kids get it regardless of your hygeine but this was killer for me. Good thing we didn't go to church! I went to Wal-Mart instead and bought the lot of everything that gets rid of the disease. I seriously could not handle it, I was in tears most of Sunday and even Monday. We treated Gwendalin and Travis, Hunter, and I also did a treatment. She was the only one who had it, so naturally we assumed she must have gotten it at preschool. I spent the next few days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with Gwennie on the floor for at least an hour (usually more) each time while I sat and sifted through her hair to ensure that it was gone. I didn't realize that this would have such a drastic affect on me. I feel like it's because I have quit cleaning as much as I used to, or maybe it's because I did or didn't do something I was supposed to do. I felt violated that this dirty thing had somehow gotten into my house and attacked one of my kids. This doesn't happen to me! It only happens to other people. Needless to say, it is gone now and 1.4 million loads of laundry later I think I am over it. I still check her head every time she is near me. I guess I am a little nutty. Travis told me he didn't know how crazy I was until this happened. I think his exact words were "I had no idea you were such a freak until this happened..." I did go a little nuts...washing everything....anyway, I debating posting this, but wanted to remember what a nutter I was and how this every day occurance changed my life forever. I should've just burned the house down - it would've gotten rid of everything. :)


jolleyzoo said...

YUCK!!! I feel for you and agree with your fears. A little Chesley secert, growing two of the girls got it and our mom went on clean mode for days also.
Poor KyLeigh also came close to getting it back in preschool. I only found one bug and never any nits but it scared me to death.
I remember the school nurse telling me that some of the girls in her class had been battling it for sometime and being sooooo mad that they had not informed ANY parents. This is one subject that should not be under the table. I remember that same nurse tell me that lice loved clean hair and thinking for a breif moment that I would never wash KyLers hair ever again.

jolleyzoo said...

WAY TO GO HUNTER!!!! What a awesome treat, it looks like everyone had fun, o.k. maybe everyone but Tyler....I love that little cry face.
Rewards can be so helpful when it comes to coursing school work.

Brigg and Dianne said...

I am with you! If that happened to one of my kids I think I would have to buy a new washer and dryer because I would completely wear mine out. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. They really are a plague.

Marie said...

I can't believe she got lice! I think I would have wanted to burn my house down too. I can only imagine how freaked out you're not a freak dood, I would have reacted the same way.

Jake and Lynn said...

I couldn't believe this. I think of all people you're last I expected..for the sheer fact that you are sooo clean. But this just proves that it can happen to anyone. Jake's sister had it when she was little. It really does happen to a lot of normal, clean random, good people, so just know you're in good company.

P.S. I laughed so hard that you wanted to burn the house down.

The Gibbens said...

I'm glad you posted this- this way you'll always remember... wait... like you could forget!!! I'm so glad it's over- I keep checking my girls- and they report every head itch to me now... icky.... oh, and for a minute I thought you had started your house on fire, then i realized it was just the steam coming off of your crazy over-worked dryer!!! (just kidding... you know I'd be the same way)

Deanna said...

Marie, it has nothing to do with how clean you are...nothing. Clean girls with long gorgeous hair get it the easiest. Pull her hair up. Take your flat iron and put it on as hot as she can handle. Divide up the hair piece by piece, and flat iron every strand of her hair from as close to her scalp as you can manage, to the end of her hair. You'll rest assured that you've zapped and obliterated anything that might still be there. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

The {Prince} Family said...

ah that STINKS! I totally forgot about lice until I read your post. Now you have me freaking out (and checking each of my kids heads.) Thanks for that :)

I remember back in the day when all 5 of us Payne girls had lice. It almost killed my mom off. Instead, she sent us over next door to the Taylor's house while Ben Taylors mom treated us while she took care of the 20,000 loads of laundry. NOT FUN!

Glad you guys are better! Hang in there, you are a great Mom. I think every mom goes a little crazy at times!!!!!

JakenDebbie said...

I don't blame you for wanting to burn the house down...I would totally feel the same way. I hate stuff like this, too. I'm glad you survived it -- and glad you posted about it!