So, I have never been one that has been a great student of beauty. In fact, growing up and still today - my sisters have had to help me along.
In high school I thought tweezing your eyebrows was overrated,painful, and pointless. I refused to do it. When I went to the one prom that I went to, Tricia did my hair and makeup. She wouldn't let me go until we had tweezed all those stray brows away...and from then forward I have been trying to upkeep the tweezed look. I am not so good at it and really would rather have them waxed every so often - it's just easier.
Recently I have wanted to learn how to wear make-up. Yeah, yeah, I have worn it since high school, but I have never really "known" how to put it on - it was all a guess for me...watching my mom and sisters was my best class. Anyway, Tricia and Lynn always have their eyes so pretty - literally, their eye make up is so great. So, this last weekend I splurged (well my mom helped me splurge- thnx mom) on a new eye shadow brush and some eye liner. Trish gave me a quick run down of how she does hers and left me to my own talent. So, Sunday and today I have been trying to figure out how you put eye liner under your eyes and on your eyelid. It is way harder than I thought, but it does make your eyes look bigger.
Clothing is also a downfall for me. I have NO fashion sense. You laugh, but it's true. I am still wearing sweats from high school and rarely get new clothes unless Lynn is getting rid of hers or Trish comes across something she thinks I'll like that her friend found at a garage sale. It's sad really - but I just don't have the energy to care. I like to look good so I am grateful when I put something together that is so jazzed! (did I really just use that word?)
Anyway, it is a learning process. I am going to get better at it. I will have to. When/If I find a job I will need to look better than I do when I am just at home in sweats all day. :) They are my fave!
So, to all you beauty experts...send me your tips - especially for great eyes.
You crack me up. I am a make up girl. My Grandma taught us that a lady never leaves the house without earings, lipstick and perfume. I am a nazi about always wearing perfume and earings but I forget lipstick all the time and then people tell me I look pale. I am so on your page in regards to the fashion though. I can't get excited about the current styles. Thank goodness a lot of what's popular is back in style from high school. I was so glad converse kicks and boyfriend blazers came back in style. I think I am just stuck in a rut. I always wanted to go on a shopping spree with a personal shopper but who has the cash not to buy stuff on sale? Maybe we can nominate each other on What Not To Wear!!!
You are BEAUTIFUL just the way you are!!!!
Loved your talk in Sacrament meeting. You are awesome!!!
Love ya,
Dood, I am totally with you on the makeup & clothing thing. I don't have a clue when it comes to makeup or fashion & I would rather be in sweats than anything else.
I have learned that liquid eyeliner is way easier to put on than the pencil, I can't use a pencil to save my life. The liquid does take some practice, but once you have it down it is a piece of cake!
Ha ha ha! You're not alone! I take beauty tips from my sister Stephanie. Most of my clothes are ones she's tired of. I can appreciate good style...I just don't have any of my own. I still hate tweezing my eyebrows. I only started about 4 years ago! I only learned how to put on eye shadow about 2 years ago, and usually only have time to do it on Sunday! I do love to shop at Down East Basics. They have lots of snazzy outfits and pretty much all their stuff interchanges...which makes it easier on my pocketbook!
Your eyes have been looking stellar lately, my sweet!!! I think you are B.U.T.-ful! I'd really be interested to find a line of clothing that is as comfy as sweats, looks as hot as what you see on the red carpet (haha), and grows/shrinks with my weight changes!!! I always think you look cute- you make sweats look good my sister!
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