You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Angels and Angel Smiles

Anyone who has had children or been around babies especially knows that they "sleep smile" a lot and they often stare at nothing and have a huge grin on their face. All of this before they are intentionally smiling. Anyway, I have always loved when my babies did these little grins and have come to the conclusion that the veil is still so thin for them that they are likely smiling at the Angels they can see that I can not. I don't know if this is really what they are grinning at, but I like to think that they are seeing how they are so fresh from our Father in Heaven.

Along those same Angelic lines, there comes the sweetness of children when they are sleeping. I often spy/peek on my kids while they are sleeping and stand over them in awe at how much the Lord must trust me to have them in my home. They are so sweet, so precious.

We had our primary program on Sunday and the kids did so great! They memorized their parts and did them perfectly. Even though the practice on Saturday didn't look so promising: Hunter was on the stand doing armpit farts, and Gwennie was playing with her friends on the benches. It was chaos, but it came together nicely. They really are angels.

And then when they are sick it's hard to watch their little bodies suffer through it. I burned Gwendalin with the curling iron this morning and felt horribly about it...she went to preschool with an ice cube in a ziplock to help the burn. And Tyler has been puking since last night (Hunter had the same thing a few days back)- the little dude is just so tired and delirious.

In spite of it all, I wouldn't trade one minute. They are such angels and they are so darling!


Heidelweiss said...

Great post. They are little angels even though you might have a hard time believing it sometimes!

Meg said...

They are so sweet. And I think babies smile at angels, too! Twice I've heard Ira laugh and laugh and laugh in his room when he was going to sleep. I do think they see angels.

The Gibbens said...

Wouldn't it be nice if we could see what the babies see? ... this world might not be so scary if we had that reminder of what help is available to us and how close angels and loved ones are, and what our goal is... if that makes sense... I love that there is a puke bowl next to slumbering Hunter Man... great pics- you can totally see the fever in little Texas' flushed cheeks even sleeping... hard when they're sick (I sure hope this skips my kid-o's)

slades said...

love the thoughts

Gretch said...

So sweet! I love the pictures! I love to just stare at my sleeping girls too.

Brigg and Dianne said...

Your kids are just adorable. I totally think Gwennie looks just like you! By the way, if you're wondering where I got those slippers, I'm sorry I can't give you an easy answer like, 'Slippers 'R' Us'. My mom found them at The Walmarts.

Mary said...

loved this post, thanks for sharing. i love elder hollands recent talk on angels! they are near us, some heavenly, some earthly.