You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some Dallin Pictures

So we have survived one month. Dallin is great! I can honestly say it's not having him that has been hard but adjusting to the management of 4 children has been the challenge. If that makes sense....??? In my head it makes perfect sense. Here are a few pictures of him recently.

This one is to compare the size of the zucchini we found in the garden's huge!

I love this bean bag...and my kids all look like it sucks them in when they are on it...but especially Dallin.

Gwendalin has been a huge help with the baby. In fact she loves babies so much she won't leave her babies anywhere. She carries at least one around constantly.


Heidelweiss said...

Oh he is soooo cute! I love the giant toasted marshmallow of a bean bag. It's got a lovely kid center! I would be scratching my eyes out with the hunting stuff-oh well, we've all got our cross to bear ;)

The Gibbens said...

He is a peaceful little one isn't he? You sure seem to be adapting well... I can only imagine how challenging all 4 can be- you're WAY outnumbered...

SladeMomma said...

We have a giant bean bag that is everyone's favorite place to crash. Especially the grandkids love it - turning flips into it.

Dallin surely is a cutie, but that is a family trait. You've got the making cute babies down, better have a dozen or so :0)

Trish said...

That is the biggest zucchini I have ever seen, only in Idaho do they compare their babies to the size of farm fresh vegetables. :)

Mary said...

I swear you have the cutest babies!

Meg said...

Happy one month birthday, Dallin!

Robby and Mary said...

It's nice to see some pictures of that baby. I'm sorry we haven't been able to visit him yet. We were working the day you invited us to the greenbelt and did not hear you message until evening time. We'll have to get together sometime or maybe we can just make a drive over to visit. How are are things going? LOL - Mary and Robby

Rich Angie said...

you have such pretty kids!!