You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wants are good right?

Okay, so I decided that I am going to BLOG my want list. It's all "wants" no needs, but hey- dreaming can make life fun even if it never comes to pass. So here goes, at the moment my want list is this:

**New Couches (Mine are 11 years old and plastered with pen, marker, goo, and whatever else you can imagine) I can't really get them "clean" anymore.

**An RV. We just went camping with my mom and dad. Loved it loved it loved it! I really want our own trailer ( I don't fare well camping in tents) so that we can camp side by side and enjoy nature together!

**Clear skin. yes, I am 31 - yes I still break out like I'm 16. It's not fair. I paid my dues in high school...even took the dreaded "you can sue if you've ever been on it - ACUTANE" - it worked and breakouts are not nearly as bad or systic like they were, but I want to have nice clear skin- the pregnancy spots could go too, while we are on the subject. :)

**A Maid - hey while we're dreaming let's just put it all out there. Once a week deep clean would be heaven sent. I am finding that with my kids getting bigger and bigger I am having less and less time devoted to the "deep" clean. Ah....**sigh**I miss it.

**Patio Furniture - a table and some chairs for my backyard patio....ahhh dinner outside. :)

**Porch Swing - enough said.

**Healthy Fast food....c'mon we all do it way more than we want to and if someone made a good healthy french fry life would be PERFECT! But alas, there is not (unless you do Subway - and sometimes I want a burger....)

Well for now - my mind is blank...but it's a pretty good "dream" list....I don't want a huge house (more to clean) or brand new cars, I want things that I can do with my family- play and have fun without the stress of monetary all of these "wants" would have to be paid for with cash. :) I am a big dreamer. :)


Amy said...

Isn't it fun to do a list of wants, even if it's something you'd never get. For me, I would love to hire one of those companies that come in and organize you and your life and house and teach you how to stay that way. I need a life makeover from the inside out. That's my dream thing. Your dreams are totally reasonable though. I would work toward getting the maid first. That is money well spent in my opinion. I call it mental health dollars. I'd rather have that than a spa day or a new car or a dinner out.

The Gibbens said...

Dream, dream, dream... I highly encourage it... my daughter is pulling the "stuffing" right out of the arm of the couch as I type... I love your want list... it's a good one,` but I couldn't help but notice that my living closer did not top your list! ;-) wink-n-a-smile.... you're great- when do we ever get sis weekend again.... like in 3 years or something?

Brittany and Scott said...

i love the list and wouldn't mind a maid and clear skin either. patio furniture would be another plus.