You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lots of great pictures

I haven't been a faithful blogger lately...and tonight I have done 3 posts. This being the third. In this post are all the pictures that didn't fit with what I have already posted about, but I love the pictures and want them in my book at the end of the read on and I will tell you what is happening in each photo...:)

This is my helper not wanting to go to bed because her Daddy was coming home late and she was trying to stay up and "help" with Dallin. She didn't last...she fell asleep. :)

She wanted to model for a picture.

Dallin trying to eat sweet potatoes...I don't think he really likes them. Hunter just saw a photo op and jumped in the pic.

The other night my mom and dad came over and Tyler began calling them Meepa (Grandma) and Beepa (Grandpa)...he would run from one to the other jumping vigorously on poor mom has been sick for about a month and a half and it just about wiped her out to catch him every time.
I love Tricia's face in this makes me want to laugh and smile. :)

I got all 4 kids in one picture...Dallin wasn't too happy...but they are all there nonetheless.

Valentine suckers from GM and GP Chesley....

Gwendalin the ballerina...she even let a friend borrow one of her "ballerinas" and then got into a fight over it the next day at the friend's house and had to come home....she loves her ballerina outfits...
They aren't supposed to hang out on the ledge, but they were cute.


Travis and Marie said...

are you trying to break my hear with these pics? I'm so jealous of all you guys hanging out! I need to come visit...

SladeMomma said...

How wonderful to have grandpa and grandma so close by, able to enjoy family fun. Lucky, lucky you (and them)!

The Gibbens said...

wow! If you aren't a faithful blogger, I don't know who is! I love all of the new posts... what I don't love is how I look in those pictures!!!! Glad you like them ;-) We always have such a good time hanging out.