I love these! Thanks Lynnie~
The rules: List 3 of each: Joys, Fears, Goals, Obsessions and Random things about you. Then tag 5 people.
3 Joys:*Travis - he makes my life happy even in the hardest of moments...he can make me laugh.
*My Kids - I love kid laughter, little hands holding mine, and kid conversation...they are so sweet.
*Hanging out with my extended family (either side)- regardless of how I am related, I love just hanging our...conversation is fun, you learn about each other and there's always something to be laughed about (and laughing burns calories).
*(I know this is a 4th but it's very important) Diet Pepsi. Is there really anything else as good? Nope.
3 Fears:*Gaining weight - I have always had issues with this ...I struggle with it on a daily basis...I'm a freak.
*Bugs/Insects/Spiders- I hate crawly things. I am afraid they are going to go in my eye, ear, mouth, etc. I have Hunter kill them when I see them.
*Failure (at anything) - raising kids, school, work, life in general, church...
3 Goals:
*Raise productive good citizens (my kids)- I think my parents did a dang good job with my siblings with music lessons, sports, and other extracurricular activities...I admire them for having the energy for it all and I'm trying to incorporate the same ....
*No debt- ah...wouldn't that be lovely!
*Serve a mission with Travis
3 Obsessions: (perfection is the biggest- it's awful-it rules my life....)
*Cleaning- I have a schedule for sheets, bathrooms, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, etc....if I don't get them done during the assigned day - I don't sleep well at all.
*Exercising - I do this because I feel good when I do - but especially if I am not eating like I should I obsess over it.
*Fixing things myself. Travis is busy running our company a lot of the time - and as a result I try to conquer anything that is not perfect: plumbing, woodwork, yardwork, etc. on my own. I've learned a lot...but I'm not very good at it...I like things done right when I see they need done...I can't wait. This is a trait I get from my mom.
3 Random Things:
*I don't enjoy anything about cooking. I think it's most coming up with ideas - especially for dinner...I wake up wondering what the heck I will make that night and it haunts me all day. Baking is okay- but that involves sugar- seems much easier and everyone likes sugar.
*When I mow the lawn it has to be diagonal so that it looks better (in my opinion). I love mowing...but not when I'm pregnant.
*I pay bills the day they come in the mail because I'm afraid if I don't, I will forget and they will be late.
*I never sit still- for instance, when my kids are bathing I am cleaning the bathroom. When we are vegging by the tv I am moving loads of laundry or folding, when kids are napping, I am doing business stuff for our BCV company. It makes people crazy that I never sit...also a trait I get from my mom...