You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The big 30!

Today is my are 30 things that I like about me: (I'm not vain, I'm just trying to be positive and uplift myself!)

1. I married Travis
2. I had Hunter
3. I had Gwendalin
4. I had Tyler
5. I had Dallin
6. I have graduated from college
7. Went to London for a few months before I got married
8.I have been successful at planting a garden
9.Learned to play the piano
10. My bathrooms get cleaned once a week
11. I keep up with my laundry
12. I go on a date with my Travis once a week
13. I can read
14. I have cute hair today
15. I like to exercise
16. I am a pretty good mom most of the time
17. I've never been arrested
18. I am pretty friendly and easy to get along with
19. I love Cold Stone Creamery and Dairy Queen
20. I make my bed every day
21. I wash my sheets and my kids sheets every week
22. If I say I will do something I ALWAYS do it
23. I am a great friend.
24. I can make people laugh
25. I love sweats
26. I have no fashion sense
27. I don't have hard feelings towards anyone
28. I don't hold grudges
29. I like doing math - when I understand it
30. I love to eat healthy because it makes me feel so good (Diet Pepsi is healthy)


heatherann said...

I had NO idea that Diet Pepsi was healthy!! Who knew! But since you said it, it must be true!!!


And to the 'OTHER' Marie too!!

katie said...

Happy b'day, Marie. I didn't know your b'day is 4/4--that is my little guy JAG's b'day, too!! He is 6. I love that you listed the things you like about yourself. I don't think I could come up with 30 things about myself!!! But I love that you listed Diet Pepsi...cause it is the Nectar of the Gods...heehee. I miss you!! CS misses babysitting for your weekly dates w/your Travis. Happy Day!!

Love ya,

Marie said...

You do make people make me laugh all the time. I LOVE that you love sweats. I love that you've had Hunter, Gwennie, Ty, & Dallin. You are the best friend I could ever want!

And thanks Heather for the b-day wishes :)

slades said...

I love your list, I can think of 30 + things I love about you. Glad you are ours.

Melissa said...

So yesterday i was at a Early childhood ed conferene and i was singing registration documents at the colleges book store with like 30 other people and as i wrote the date i said out loud (um quite loud) hey it's Marie's Bday! I'm sure they all thought I was crazy but it was fun for me. So happy birthday!!! hurray for 30

The Oman Family said...

What a fun idea! Hope you had a good birthday.

Heidelweiss said...

I love your list! Happy 30th! You are beautiful and wonderful and fun and I love your stinkin' guts!

The Gibbens said...

Happy birthday on this post! you forgot that -you are a great sister, daughter, wife, mother (oh, i think you got that one) - you are horibly organized - there are just so many great things about you... I'm just watching american idol as i'm typing... our blind friend was voted off- he seems nice, but that's a good thing... I think. Love you sister!

Amy said...

You are also skinny and cute (which I hate by the way) and funny and an awesome writer and uplifting. And Diet Coke is healthier than Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke plus has vitamins added to it. Look into it. Happy birthday. Oh one more thing, you are way younger than me. Bee-aw-tch. xoxo

JakenDebbie said...

Happy Birthday, Marie! A little late, I know. But I was thinking of you this past week, knowing it was your birthday. I love the list you made -- what a great idea! It makes me miss you. :)

Brigg and Dianne said...

Happy Belated Birthday! You've never been arrested?! What?!

I am still so sad that I didn't travel as much as I definitely should have before I had kids. I'm sure you think about your England trip all the time. You should reminisce (sp?) and put some of your England pics on your blog! I sure would love to read about your experience.