You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why is raising humans so challenging?

Seriously, some days I want to claw my eyes out. Today was productive too. My dad came and finished some shelves in the garage for me, helped me hang brooms, shovels, etc. and get more organized (He's a saintly man)....and I felt like we got a good amount accomplished.

Tonight has come though, and I am the lone parent (Travis has been gone since 6am and it's now 8pm)...and I am in a yelling match with my kids. I told them they couldn't play and then they played anyway. I told them to eat and they complained the entire time. I told them after dinner there would be no more food and they are saying they are hungry again (Tyler even found a box of Bug Bites - graham crackers and carried them around until I took them away). I told them they had to bathe because they played and they stink and they said they didn't want to. I got three of them done and the other (Hunter) is still sitting around complaining about not doing a single thing until dad gets home.

Earlier I was cleaning my garage (after dinner) and I had Dallin in the saucer while I was organizing, he was fine for like 2 minutes before he began to scream (this is typical behavior for him) Ididn't pick him up, I let him scream...after about 20 minutes or so, my neighbor came over and said "Oh let me hold him...." yeah I am a neglectful parent...she tried to hold him, he screamed louder. It makes my nerves feel like rubber....rather than steel. I knew he was fine, he just wanted to be held and I wanted to get something done....

Now after trying to negotiate with an almost 7 year old about taking a bath, I am in here venting on a blog post and he is running more water in the bath - who would've thought? He actually is taking a bath. ( I just checked him...he ran like 500 more gallons of water after I told him that he couldn't have more - it was warm when I told him to get in it, it's wasn't when he decided he would go....I hope Travis has some hot water for his shower when he gets home.)

Seriously, I have power struggles daily....I am not sure I was cut out to be a parent. But ask me tonight how I feel when they are all peacefully sleeping, I'll tell you there's nothing better.....I'm psychotic.


The Gibbens said...

Every day I think, "I'm not cut out to be a parent.... I'm one of those who shouldn't have done this!" and then I realize how sad my life would be without the girls and I guess I was cut out to be a parent, if a poor one a times! You make it look easy, even if your nerves are rubber and not steel!

katie said...

Oh, sweet Marie....Do I know how you feel. But don't worry you are a WONDERFUL mommy. There are days that seem to never end--just clinch your teeth and know "this too shall pass" I hated when people would this to me, but it is true. In fact now that mine are all a little older I miss those days you are having...because now I have teenagers!!! EGH!!! Just try to enjoy each stage you are in. I love ya. I miss ya!! Hang in there!!!!


The Oman Family said...

I hear ya Marie! I feel like it is always a constant struggle raising kids. I constantly am asking myself if I really am cut out to be a parent.

heatherann said...

There os just something going on with those almost 7 year old boys. Who knew it would be this tough? But you are right, so very worth it! If you need to send Hunter 'away' sometime we would love it!

Marie said...

You really are a great mom & don't feel bad for feeling that way. Its okay every once in a while to vent. Actually, its okay to vent daily if it helps :)

Meg said...

I feel the same way! It's so much craziness. But don't worry because you're a fabulous mom. I really look up to you.

The {Prince} Family said...

Hang in there! I have had days like that. Sometimes you have to take it hour by hour. Do you like Dr.Pepper? That always works for ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!