You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Friday, June 27, 2008

The week's events without dad...

This is me in crazed mode - single parent 8 months pregnant!

I am very glad this week is almost over. Travis has been gone to scout camp with the 12-14 year old boys from our ward...(he just got called 2 weeks ago) and therefore has been gone since Monday morning. Unfortunately and fortunately, this is the week we started swimming lessons, had karate testing, and just regular summer activities....I'm a little worn out. Okay a lot worn out.

Swimming lessons were Monday - Thursday. We drive about 30 minutes to get there and the same back...the lessons are 45 minutes long. Hunter is in a class with Jocilyn and McKenna - that kid is fearless and would live in the water if I let him. He is doing really well. Gwendalin is in a class with smaller children and is trying to do what her teachers ask...putting her head in the water is about all the progress we've made - but it is progress. Now, Ty is not in a class so I take him to the playground and watch him for the class time....It's nice because come bedtime they are all so tired they just crash and I have a little quiet before I do the same.

Here are the cousins before class begins...

Hunter "swimming" with the barbell (scoops and kicks)

Gwennie gearing up to put her face in and doing bubbles...

Gwennie - Ring around the rosies (She wears the goggles so she won't get water in her eyes...she doesn't take them off the whole class- same with McKenna).

Ty on the playground...notice his's very sandy ...

Playing poolside before we trek to the playground

Cute little boy...

This was after swimming at grandma's house...he was so tired- he crashed on the floor.

Hunter had his Karate testing on Thursday night and has officially moved to solid colored belts. He is very proud of himself - as he should be for accomplishing what he has in his new class. He did a great job with his memorization and deserved to get his next belt.

Doing his Form - he learned all 6 lines while the other classmates who moved up with him to this class only learned 3 or 4!

Doing his weapon (nunchucks) - he got pretty good at it.

Sparring in his gear...

Getting his new all green belt!

Tired mom - tomorrow dad returns....hallelujah!


Heidelweiss said...

You, my girl, need a break! What a week. I don't know about the private thing. I've gotten some odd comments on mine but then I think it's not that big of a deal. Steve's family blog is private and we don't have to be as careful about what we say! I've thought about it too, but I'm not concerned enough about it yet.

slades said...

looks like everyone is doing well, in spite of tired. going to Grandma's house is a nice thing even if she isn't there. give them hugs for us.

Heather said...

Looks like a very fun and eventful week. I am sure you are so tired though. As far as going private. I was really torn between the two but decided I didn't want my kids out there to the world, there are such pervs out there. I know what you mean about wanting people to find you. I have even thought about going unprivate but I am still not sure. I know I didn't help you out at all! :)

Marie said...

Dood, you look so tired! I wish I lived there so I could help you so you could get some rest.

Mary said...

you are too funny! add me to your list please!

SladeMomma said...

Par for the course - summertime + kids + pregnancy + activities + responsibilities + projects... Gotta think life was heavenly appointed to be this way.

Meg said...

Phew-what a week! Glad you made it through all in one piece. :)