You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Monday, June 9, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Visit

We have always tried to make an effort to make sure our kids see and know both sides of our family. Lucky for us, Travis' parents came up for a week which was a pleasant surprise! The kids loved having them around and so did I! We go see them every year at Thanksgiving which is a rough trip getting there and back, but well worth seeing and bonding with cousins and grandparents! Travis and I recognize the importance of making sure our family knows and bonds with both we did- it definitely takes a lot of effort!

Anyway, they were here last week and we enjoyed every minute. We played, read books, I got my hair done one afternoon, they helped me thin my carrots and get my garden up to par, and we and had lots of good laughs and memories. Here are some pictures of the week.


Mule Days Parade

Playing and Reading with Grandma

Always - Kisses from Grandpa


Heidelweiss said...

So cute. Visits with grandparents are always fun. They never seem to run out of patience! I, too, despise taking my kids to weddings (obviously I only do it when they are required for pictures). My sister in law kept saying "oh, I'm so glad I don't have little kids!". Yes, you are (at weddings, at least). Have a great week.

Brigg and Dianne said...

I wish I could see your house. From all the pictures I've seen, it looks gorgeous!
I am so grateful to live near both sets of grandparents. I really hope my kids benefit from that. Neither Brigg nor I grew up near grandparents, so I am really glad it is something my kids have been blessed with.

The Gibbens said...

I love your in-laws! family is so fun! Tonight at Matthew's there was chatter from his siblings that his mom should've sold him when he was a baby and a man offered her $1million for him (true story)- Anyway, I said i was glad that she hadn't and they said, "well you still might've found him." I said, "yeah, but i wouldn't have you guys as my in-laws!" They were like, "nice, what do you want" and I said (sorry this is a novel of a comment) but I said, "seriously I LOVE my in-laws, which is why it baffles me when in-laws don't love us!!!" They laughed and agreed- I wholeheartedly agree- both sides are SO important... and i DO love your in-laws... end of comment- wake up.

SladeMomma said...

Lucky you! Lucky grandkids! I just returned from being the visiting grandma and am ready to do it again. You get way more kisses than your own children wanted to give.

JakenDebbie said...

Grandparents are the best! We miss being close to my family as well -- they are ALL in Arizona! But like you said, we do what we can to keep those connections close and tight. They are SO important -- and so wonderful! And by the look really great, Marie!! I can't believe you are nearing the end of your pregnancy!! Good for you!!

Meg said...

How fun! Grandparents are the best!

Marci said...

Looks like it was a lot of fun. Your kids get cuter and cuter every day. You need to put some pics up of you prego!

jolleyzoo said...

Looks like you all had a great time.