This post is primarily for posterity's sake...most of it ramblings from my brain...but I wanted to write it nonetheless.
I have been in deep thought lately, and the trigger of it was a conversation I had with my sister while visiting a few weeks ago. She remarked that as a teenager she was going out and my grandpa was visiting - he stopped her at the door and said, "Remember your good name." She was reflecting on that statement as she prepared for the blessing of her first baby...but likened it to all of us leaving our Father's presence.My parents are nearing departure for their adventure in New Hampshire/Vermont...and this thought has come back to my mind. They raised five children...I would say very well...we are all good productive members of society, we are faithful members of the church and I would venture to say for the most part, very well rounded individuals. Now as we are raising our own families, it seems like it was an easy task for them to teach us...but not so easy (at least for me) to teach my children. I want them to remember their good name and make good choices as they embark in society and its corruption.
It is hard for me as a parent to watch my kids make mistakes and know the hurt that will come when they choose badly. But I'm sure my parents did it for me. For instance, Hunter is only 6 has already been exposed to more information that I would like. He seems to understand the consequences of bad choices and has been trying to make "happy choices" instead and for that I am grateful.
I think it must make our Father in Heaven sad when we don't remember "our good name" and live like he would have. So, I have made a resolution to try harder to treat people kinder, make better choices, be a better example. After all, aren't we all just doing our best? It seems like if we remembered that on a daily basis it would be easier to remember how to treat others and make good decisions. I am glad that my husband had the parents he had and the family/friends that have helped him remember his good name to share with me and my children. What kind of example am I setting for people I remembering my good name?
Marie, that was really good. I would go so far as to say it was exactly what I needed. It sure was good to see you this week (albeit briefly).
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and the beautiful pictures. The "we are all trying our best" idea is one I too have been trying to remember as patience with others does not come easily to me. Your reminder helps set me on an even course this morning.
That's a great post, Marie. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I needed that.
I really enjoyed reading that. I've always thought of you as wise beyond your years, Marie. I still do.
I love your last 2 posts. Sorry I'm just now getting to them- at your house, on your computer no less (I'm a tard)... I love the "good name" message- something I need to remember, and hopefully teach my kids... thanks.
Beautifully put! You are such a good momma. I need to be more like you!
Loved this post, great reminder from one who walks the talk!
I really loved reading that, Marie. It gave me much to think about. It's been fun keeping up with your family with your blog. Can't wait to read more! :)
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