You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Not the biggest fan of birthday parties...

I only really like them when I don't have to plan and carry them out. I threw one for Hunter on Saturday. Lucky for me it was gorgeous weather for the past three so nice...and then party day comes and it was freezing cold ( I did it at a park to avoid chaos/mess at my house). There was a light fluff of snow/rain and by the end of the hour and a half I couldn't feel my hands or hear out of my ears. Good thing for me Tricia was able to help me man the thing, since Travis and Matthew were out of town on business. She kept taking the girls to the car to get topped it off that Gwendalin was running a fever, but wanted to go to Huntie's party. She, Jocilyn, McKenna, and Tricia and I were so cold...the boys didn't seem to mind it at all...they just ran around hitting each other. :) Boys...enough said.

Wrestling....only boys.


It finally broke but not everyone got a turn so we hit at it on the ground...and then I ripped it open.

Trying to stay warm in the car and on the swing set.

I made the was an easy one so I could handle it.

Hunter had a nice birthday fact, when I woke up on the 18th---he was already up and walked to me saying "Mom, don't you have something to say to me?" So, I quickly told him "Happy Birthday." and he replied with a "thanks." and seemed to content and walked away. go figure?! His favorite gifts were a football from Jocilyn and McKenna and a nerf type baseball and bat from Grandma and Grandpa. All in all, successful to be 6 I would say.

(He had fallen asleep with the baseball and bat but woke up a little when the camera flashed.)

Not a whole lot are some pictures of the plants I have started for our garden this year....we are making progress...can't plant until it's done frosting, but they are coming along nicely I might say. I am such a rookie at this whole gardening thing. :)


(nice...that's my prego belly over the counter....I thought I took a better picture but can't find it.)


The Gibbens said...

Great pictures- what photographer did you use who was willing to brave such fierce elements? I know it was cold, but really a success I think- good job mama!

The Gibbens said...

my comment disapeared and i didn't get the usual message, did you get it? Cuz, I'm not afraid to comment again- not even a little..

Jake and Lynn said...

Love the birthday pics. And the football cake turned out fabulous. Don't put the tank cake next to it, yours turned out wayyyy cuter! Also post a picture of your belly besides the one over the counter. I want to see how my little nephew is coming along.

jolleyzoo said...

Happpy late birthday Hunter. Wow, he is really growing up. Hard to believe yur weather, considering my kids were in the pool just yesterday. All of the jackets and winter clothes are packed away and the shorts and tanks are back for awhile. Hmmmm, sounds like a little family I know needs to get back to Arizona and SOOOOON.

SladeMomma said...

Looks like it was a fun party, especially since they collapsed afterwards, a blessing for parents. The current trend in bday parties sure beats the old-fashioned ones, i.e. eat cake/open gifts/go home.

Marie said...

Nice plants dood!!! You have such a green thumb!

Marie said...

Oh..and awesome job on the cake.

JakenDebbie said...

Ah, birthday parties...we can only hope the kids end up with good memories and remember to thank us for them later!
Ok, you are going to have to give me some gardening tips. I REALLY want to have a garden this year but have no idea what the heck I am doing! It doesn't help that the weather has been so fickle lately...just when we think it's getting :) Email me if you have any great gardening advice - if you are doing it at all, you are a pro in my book!

Brigg and Dianne said...

I really love the pic with your belly. I think it's just so cute. Glad the party was a success. I love parties and get-togethers, they are the best.

amanda said...

please don't remind me! i went out to my herb garden yesterday and they were infested with caterpillars! these tropical weather bugs are voracious! good luck with your garden!

Robby and Mary said...

wow, I love the idea of binding your blog into a journal - revolutionary. I've been meaning to get your blog address for a couple of weeks. I'm glad Robby thought of it. Now I can keep in touch with you better. I like how you write a lot for your blogs, maybe I'll start doing that; instead of just little bits. Does the journal come with all the pictures you put in the blog as well?