I feel like I am not the best mom. I hear all the other moms saying how much they love summer. They want to have longer summers and they do so many fun things with their kids during the summer. I on the other hand dread it. I don't like very many things about it. I feel like I am always on my kids about cleaning (what kid wants to clean every day during summer?) but my house is always a wreck because they are in and out in and out all day long changing clothes, fighting, arguing, spilling, etc. My nerves are shot! Shot I tell you.
I try to do fun things with them. We go swimming, we go to the library, we play. But I think the stress of no schedule constant laundry, dishes, mediating, etc. runs its toll on me. Maybe I wouldn't mind it so much if my kids listened to what I asked the FIRST time I asked it.
I am ready for school to start. I am ready for schedules to be back in play. But I dread it at the same time. Gwennie will start Kindergaten at a different school than Hunter and Tyler will start preschool! What is going on here? All the sudden my kids are all big. Don't get me wrong I am glad. I love them big, but they are going to be exposed to all the CRAP that you get in the real world once they are in school.
Anyway, back to my original point. I feel like a bad mom. I like summer for the first like 2 days and then I'm ready for routine. I need my house to have order rather than chaos. But alas....they will not begin until the 31st of this month. I have 4 weeks left with them (one of the weeks I will be in D.C.- so I will miss the madness). I hope they will have fun - that's my only wish that my craziness will not inhibit their memories of a good summer.
My head hurts so bad right now. I'm not sure if any of this made sense. Dallin has hand foot and mouth disease so he is the crankiest ever....that's just a side note, so that I have it documented so he can reminisce about it later in life. :)
I don't think you are a bad mom. I don't know many mom's who love summer vacation. Most are dying for school to start again. I know I enjoy it when there is order and a schedule. I am not a fan of summer vacation, and we are just starting into the school thing. I think you are a great mom Marie!!
Dood, sounds like life is wonderful :) You're not a bad mom for hating summer. I will be one of those moms too I am sure of it.
Really don't think you are a bad mom. This is the first summer that I have actually enjoyed it (we haven't done anything)most other summers I can't wait for school to start. I have learned to let go and not to worry about what my house looks like. I have them pick it up at the end of the day and that's good for me. Yes, I love to have my house clean but I don't want my kids to remember having to clean all summer like I had to as a kid. It has taken a lot for me to let go of things like that that aren't all that important.
You are a great mom! You love your kids and they love you and that's all that really matters!
Remember what I told you once in a little note not so long ago? Do not doubt your worth, as a mom, a wife, a sister, friend, daughter, etc.... you are wonderful at all of those things and your kids admire and look up to you- Besides, if you REALLY wanted school to start earlier, you would've moved with me to Cali... mine are already in...... ;) Wish you were here!
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