The second graders did "Muffins for Mom" on Friday. I went and Hunter had made me a portrait of myslef and a little book filled with information about me. my favorite page is might not be able to see if very well, so I will type the text of what he wrote beneath the picture....I laughed so hard when I saw really is one of my favorite things to do.

"For fun my Mom likes to play watch the back of her eyelids. This is how you play. You close your eyes and try to sleep and who ever sleeps the longest wins. "
Thanks Hunter - I loved it - I loved Muffins for Moms with you!
Oh, Marie, I am laughing so hard! That is too funny! :)
Oh that is too hilarious. I love it. I like that game too.
That must be one of the best games in the whole wide world, it sounds like you've had a lot of practice and seem to be pretty awesome at it. : )
Oh my gosh! This is hilarious!
I love it! That is so funny!!
I should be playing that right NOW! What a fun game! Let's get away for a weekend and have contests!
He's got a sense of humor that one.
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