You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Friday, May 29, 2009

Forts and Ear Infections

My kids built forts this weekend and slept in them on Sunday night. Tyler didn't really care, so he just slept in his bed. Dallin didn't much care either - he is fighting an ear infection and fell asleep holding his ear - yes he is on an antibiotic. Great thing about the forts is, I told the kids they could sleep in them if they got them cleaned up first thing in the morning (after all they used most of my table chairs and I needed them back) - AND come morning I got up after they did and it was all cleaned up. What good kids!


Unknown said...

Poor little Dallin and his ear - that picture is so sad but cute at the same time!

Heather said...

Awww...poor little Dallin - we fought ear infections a TON with the twins. It's so sad.
At least your kids will clean up their forts - mine do after they get in trouble a few hundred times!

slades said...

you do have good kids

Heidelweiss said...

Poor little buddy holding his ear :(. They are good kids for cleaning up!

The Oman Family said...

Poor Dallin! Our kids have had 10 ear infections between the 3 of them in a one month time. They are no fun!
That fort looks like fun!

SladeMomma said...

How's the triathlon training coming? Is kite flying included there in Idaho? Happy summer fun!

Melissa said...

You're a trooper Marie. Absolutely amazing!

Melissa Bosen said...

What a fun mommy to let them keep the mess....oh, I mean FORT...over night! And you even let them sleep in it! Wow!
Sorry about the ear infection. No fun at all.