It snowed yesterday and a little bit today. I always think the bare trees look so pretty laced with snow, so I took a picture. As for the events of the weeks following my last post - here they are in a nutshell.
Hunter was riding on Tye's little ride on bike and bit it on the wood....he knew he'd be in trouble for riding it in the first place so he got up and started laughing....but after he felt his head, he was definitely on the verge of tears. It was and still is a nasty bruise and bump. It has gone down significantly.
Tyler has been the happiest ever lately. Loves life. In fact I checked him (as I check all my babies before I go to bed) and he woke up when I covered him...he saw me and gave me the biggest grin and high pitched scream of delight. It was cute, then he laid back down and went to sleep.
Gwendalin mostly hangs out and tries to aggravate Hunter and Tye (they do the same). She hears music and tells me to dance or play my guitar (air guitar). I guess she picked it up from preschool.
I check my kids every night, too. I can't go to sleep unless I know they are safe and snug.
Hunter's head looks like a real winner. Sometimes with all the bumps and bruises my kids get, I'm worried someone will think I'm neglecting them.
Very beautiful snow picture, by the way.
I was glad to see upclose pics of your kids and darn cute they are! Even with the egg on the forehead. Thanks for posting them.
I love the pic of the trees and the pretty!
Poor Hunter...he was trying to be so brave.
Ouch! That bump looks painful. Like Jason always says, "If you don't mind Mom and Dad, you ALWAYS get hurt" I use to think they were pretty harsh words but they are SO true.
Your kids are darling. That is cute that Ty woke up to give you a big smile and then went back to bed. The last thing I always do too is check on the kids. I cover them up and whisper I love you in their ears. I can't go to sleep until I do that.
I like the new layout.
I love that you update about all your kiddos and then show us a random pic of a buffalo down the street. You're too funny.:)
That has got to be the worst goose egg ever! Ouch! I'm with you about the snow on the bare really is awesome. And I love the buffalo...I love knowing random facts like that. So the next time I'm in Idaho, if I see a buffalo in a field, I will have to wonder if you live close by! :)
What a great post! I love that buffalo- Todd and Christen took the girls once and stopped to look at it and it's since been known as the "buffalope"... what a great family you have!
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