You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

To the Moon!

So, my sweet little Hunter was on his way to the moon last night in a rocket all started when he was playing yesterday with the neighbor boys (one is 8 and the other 13).

We were coming home from a FHE walk together and he is begging Travis and I to let him leave the house at 12:30am to meet his friends at the rocket to go to the moon for 3 days. When we said no...he was devastated...sobbing that his friends would kick him out of the club if he didn't show up at the rocket when they had planned to meet. Poor kid - he was so upset - devastated.

Anyway, we (better Travis) came to an agreement (Travis is brilliant in his parenting skills). He told Hunter that if he got up at 12:30 and came and got us - we would go with him to the rocket and he would still be in the club. Knowing full well Hunter would sleep right through 12:30 and everything would be fine. :)

After a bit more deliberation, and instance on packing his bag for the trip - I finally walked over to the 13 year old's home and asked if he would just tell Hunter tomorrow that his mom said he couldn't go - so that Hunter wouldn't feel bad. So, he agreed - feeling bad that Hunter had taken it so seriously.

Well, Hunter wouldn't go to sleep without packing, so we walked to the neighbor's again and he found out that Cole couldn't go because his mom said no, and he wasn't able to find a rocket to use. Ah! The beauty of friends....Cole was fantastic, Hunter was satisfied with that answer and we went home and he went to bed.

It was so sweet that I had to put it in here so I can publish it in my blog book (whenever I do it).


Marie said...

How stinking cute is that???? That is a story you will have to tell his friends when he's a teenager.

Jake and Lynn said... mind if I still your kid and claim his as my own? That story kills me. I freak'n love him. Try not to let him know exactly how cute he is because if he ever found out the extent to which his cuteness travels, it would all go to his head. Give him a hug from his Aunt Lynnie...(P.S. Marie is right, we're going to have to tell that story at his wedding or something).

Heather said...

That is such a cute story. And he is sure a cutie.

Jake and Lynn said...

you know when I wrote "still" I meant STEAL...(did I really just graduate from college?)

The Gibbens said...

I dont' know what the problem was... my first trip to the moon was around age 5, and i just got back from there last week... you are REALLY strict parents!!! What a cute story!!! I love it!

Kari said...

Marie - I'm glad you found our blog! Isn't it the best idea for a journal?

Your kids are gorgeous! It's great to catch up with you!