You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The adjustment stage: aka the learning curve

Acutally I started a post of cute stories that my kids have been doing lately, but I haven't finished it and the computer I started it on won't hook up to the I will post it later.

Not much to report other than the learning curve with #4 has begun and continues. It has been by far the roughest adjustment for me. Two was hard to get used to but this one I think is harder because I am keeping up with three and still losing sleep at night with the fourth. Fatigue plays a huge role in my postpartum mentality. Needless to say, I sometimes think I am doing just fine but then I feel completely useless. I don't want to leave my house. I don't really like any company, and I feel like I am neglecting everyone and everything I care about because I can't do anything to full capacity like I want to.

Dallin is a fantastic baby. I really can't complain and the spirit he brings into our home is genuine and sweet. We are fortunate to have such a good bunch of kids. Although I must admit some fault at this point and that is with my sweet little Hunter. We butt heads so bad lately and my fatigue doesn't help - he has me in tears a lot. I am sad to admit that tonight (Travis is gone working) I lost my temper with the little dude and I feel awful. Especially now that he's sleeping and so sweet and doesn't yell back...ugh! This mother thing is so hard, rewarding, exhausting, fun, emotional, etc.

I think a lot of the drama at my house is just the adjustment of the new additon and how to make life feel somewhat normal again. We are getting closer every day and if I can ever get thought a day without "losing it" (yelling or crying) - then I will consider my feat conquered.


Meg said...

Here's a big hug, Marie. Postpartum is so hard. Like you said, one day at a time and soon things will be comfortable again. Something that really helped me last time was when Christian got home, I'd go outside alone and sit in the sun. Just sit and breathe. I'd be out there in the quiet for about 15-20 min. The peace and quiet is good and the sun does a lot to produce good-feeling hormones in our bodies. Hope you're recovery goes quickly for you. Love ya!

The Gibbens said...

Please hollar- I'll have the kids down or come help or whatever! Each one is such an adjustment- and postpartum by itself- is so hard to deal with- "don't forget to breathe"... I'm here if you need me- and even if you don't! love you!

The {Prince} Family said...

I hear ya! It CAN get a little crazy with 3 kiddos and a newborn. Stay at home, don't try to be "super-mom" just yet. This is the only time you have an excuse to NOT have it all together. :) My 4 year old is giving me a hard time. I really don't think it is anything new but it seems harder to deal with her now that there is a newborn in the house too. Sometimes I feel like all I do is yell at her all day. (she is a stinker and won't do things the first time you ask, she pushes it everytime!!!)

Anyway, hang in there, I am only a few weeks ahead of where you are at and it does get a little easier everyday.

Alicia said...

Aw Marie, everything will be great! You guys are such a great family, and you and Travis are good people... You'll get thru this...Remember, you're kids are SOOO darn cute!

And if you ever need me, I will be thrilled to help! =]

Heather said...

It is always hard to get into a routine with a new little one. It must be the age thing because Bailey and I butt heads too - I end up crying and frustrated alot with her. It will all get better is what I tell myself. I wish you the best of luck and wish I could be around to help!!

SladeMomma said...

Do you really think that the learning curve ever smooths out and gets easier? Nope. Doesn't happen. I think it's part of the Plan. Our chillens are all grown up and gone with babes of their own and we're still trying to learn, now how to be parents-in-law and grandparents and long distance supporters, etc. etc.

Heidelweiss said...

I'm so sorry. You are such an amazing mom-please don't let your "losing it" make you forget that. EVERY mom loses it. Just come to my house ;) I was such a nut after Will that I decided to have Lizzy quickly afterward so I could get the depression over with. Being a mom is harder than any of us could possibly have imagined before we were one. You're doing awesome and this will pass! Promise!

Kellie said...

A piece of advice (for what it's worth). Life NEVER gets back to "normal"...fortunately we learn to create a "new normal" that fits the family. Don't try to do EVERYTHING, as one of my friends said "oh, pee on the house, as long as my kids are alive (and happy) it's a good day." It does take time but it's sooo worth it!

Mary said...

Such an adjustment. I feel your pain more than you know and I only have 3! I've finally had to crack down and make schedules for everything! meals, cleaning, me time, kid time, etc. It's crazy but i'm much more organized and happier too. Hang in there.

Amy said...

Oh girl, I wouldnt' go back to that phase for a million dollars. I felt awful with the twins. I'm a crazy person if I don't get sleep. Really its like in my DNA - no matter who or how often I'm told to just suck it up I can't function. You were probably getting very little sleep before with 3 kids now probably none. Oh, if I were near you...the casseroles I would make. Will keep you in my prayers tho. xoxo

heatherann said...

Marie --- I'm so glad to know that I'm not alone in all of this new baby stuff. Everyone makes it look so easy that I just thought it was me. If you ever need a break Max would LOVE to have Hunter over anytime. And if you need a break from your house, come on over too!

Gretch said...

Lets just say that this post scared me to death, seeing how I'm a few weeks from #3 and feeling really nervous about it.

I wish I could be there to give you a huge hug! I think it is a really good thing that you are talking about your frustrations. And I love that one of the comments said that all Moms "lose it" one time or another-that is so true! Don't try and be super mom. It is perfectly fine to sit and nurse Dallin while the kids watch movie.
*This too shall pass.

On Sunday our RS lesson was on Elder Ballard's talk from May "Daughters of God" I LOVED this talk so much and one line from it seems fitting for you, "Water cannot be drawn from an empty well" Make sure your 'well' gets full! Hang in there! Love ya!

Robby and Mary said...

Hey Marie, just keep plugging away. You're an amazing, wonderful person and you will be blessed. Ask for strength in your prayers (you probably already do)Let me know if you need a weekend off and Robby and I would LOVE to take the older three! I think Robby misses Tyler. :-)

Is Hunter doing a little better now that he is in school? Valette was getting a little deceptive and naughty toward the end of the summer. I think she was board. She's so busy in school now that she's getting over it. Does he like first grade?

Marie said...

Dood, I wish I could be there to help you! You really are such a good mom.