You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. some may be significant only to you. some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience. - President Hinckley

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


My children's lives hung in the balance. They were up at 6:30. I was up last night until midnight and wanted to sleep until 7:30. I told them to be quiet and watch TV and they could eat when I got up. I "tried" to sleep - but got several knocks, heard screams, shrieks, etc. I finally got up to find that Gwendalin had thrown a night light bulb (blue) across the wood and it shattered....they left it there. They must've tried to do an art project becuase there were permanent markers out paper pieces everywhere, straws strewn about my entire counter top, and water misted all over the floor. I was so mad. To top it off, Today is the little Texas' birthday and I lost it - I flew off the handle yelling and screaming. I exiled them all to their rooms (which you could not see the floors of) and tried to get a handle on the kitchen/family room situation. I called mom and asked her if she ever cancelled birthday parties, because Tyler was supposed to be having one today. She must've felt like my children needed saving (that's what Grandma's are for) because she came over and helped them clean their rooms and I got my bathroom done, some laundry and the floor swept. Tyler got to keep his party. Whew!

Oh wait, then I showered and in comes Gwennie crying and sobbing that Hunter bit her arm. So I take a look, sure enough there was a bite mark. Not too long after comes Hunter swearing he didn't bit her. I wasn't sure what to do and then Hunter says "Mom, if I bit her, where are my crooked teeth marks?" the light bulb went off in my head - Gwendalin had bitten herself to get Hunter in trouble. I was so mad - it added to what had already started off as a horrible morning. So, Gwendalin and Hunter got the consequence of not being able to attend Tyler's party. I don't know if they really cared or not, but I stuck to it as best I could.

What a day! I hate days like this. I am tired, stressed, and pressed to the limit and everything just blew up in my face.


Melissa said...

oh yes, I know those days. Last night was like that for me. I came home from my run and the kids had been banned to their rooms for fighting. They hadn't done their kitchen chores and they had made a mess of the bathroom. It's hard as a mom to watch housecleaning that took hours get undone in seconds! Hang in there!

The Oman Family said...

Wow, what a hard day! I am sorry it was so rough. Luckily you have your Mom nearby to help save you!

Heidelweiss said...

Oh dear. I HATE days like that. I only have 2 kids so I can't imagine double the stress/mess/fiasco! Way to stick to your guns :).

Heather said...

I feel your pain! I have many days like that. Those are the days that I have a good cry and I need out of the house. I know I better leave before I hurt someone. Hang in there!

Marie said...

you should have bit Gwennie's arm just to show her who's boss. that is all.

Brigg and Dianne said...

We ALL have days like that. Any mom who says she doesn't is either lying or letting her kids get away with too much. Hope you are doing better today!

The Gibbens said...

You done good, mama. and you didn't seem that stressed for Texas' party- I woulda never known... why didn't you call me? I'm glad you called mommer though, she is the best at child saving...