We got home from wrestling on Sunday afternoon. Hunter looked around and tried to find his new little puppy Joe. He couldn’t find him anywhere, so then Travis went to look and we had a call to the kid who was watching him for the day and a half that we were gone…..he said that Joe was fine the day before when he had fed him and he hadn’t been over yet to feed them on Sunday. Travis ended up finding Joe in the backyard – he came to the sliding door and called for me – he was in tears. He had just sprayed for weeds and when he saw Joe’s dead little body next to the pond, he was certain that it was the weed spray that had killed him. We have since learned that – he likely had heart failure or when he had gotten in the shed earlier in the week before we had left, he had eaten some fabric covers and not been able to pass them digestively. Our Vet who is also in our ward told Travis assuredly that it was not the weed killer. It was a very hard Sunday. Travis spent off and on trying to hold back tears. Joe had brought so much life to Jethro and Jethro loved him too. They slept together they loved each other. We let Hunter have some moments with Joe and then Travis put his little body into a box and he and Hunter went up the hill to a larger field and buried his little body. Hard hard day. Here are some of the pictures we have of him and the two of them together.